Here it is, Halloween night. Many of the homes were decorated so well. This one was a huge spiderweb with a big furry spider. You can barely see Alexia and her buddies, Isabelle & Nicholas on the right. This was one of the first houses we went to. The weather was beautiful night, in the mid 70's.

Another house that was decorated for Fall & Halloween. Alexia enjoyed herself running from house to house with her new friends, but it just wasn't the same as last year and years before with her friends Courtney or Jake & Haley.

Here are the 3 ghouls, Isabelle was a pirate, Nicholas was a zombie and Alexia was a Navy girl. The Madison (the place we live) had trick-or-treating bags and candy for the kids set up in the lobby, it was really nice to go and see the other kids from here dressed up.

We were one of the first people on the streets, as you can tell it's still a bit light out. It was almost 6:30 but still too light. We're used to beginning at 6:00, here there are no set hours, just begin at dusk. Since we were going to the neighborhood near Alexia's school and we were sure there would be tons of kids, we wanted to get in early. Some of the areas are gated so we had to sneak past the gate when a car drove in or out.
There was this one lady that had this spooky house. It was all dark with scary music. She came to the door all hunched over and giving a slight moan. Isabelle just ran. Lexi took off say that it just wasn't worth it. It was pretty funny.
Happy Halloween Everyone!