Here we are at Ventura Beach one day having delicious fish n' chips on the boardwalk. It was abeautiful day and we ventured out with Blake to smell some wonderful ocean air. Nice face Lexi!

Proud sister holding her little bro..
My friend Maria, from NH, and her family came to Newport Beach for a Paul Mitchell Conference and we were fortunate enough to spend an afternoon with them all. It was so nice to see them. It was hard saying goodbye.

Here is Maria and Calvin's son Antonio holding Blake....he just LOVES babies. Look how proud he is hold ing him. Antonio even picked out a very special rattle for Blake and he really, really enjoys it. Thanks Antonio you sweetie pie.

Lunch at Red Robin with Maria and Milan, Lexi and Antonio. Aren't these kids just beautiful? So cute. Milan is 3 and Antonio is 5 1/2.

Here's Lexi at an Earth Day celebration in Pasadena. This SMART car is so small Alexia actually looks the right size in it. It's s scary that she could actually just about touch the pedals.

The Easter Bunny doesn't look so happy here. Erick made this ears out of construction paper, it was so funny, too bad Blake didn't think so.
Just after bath time
Alexia's school put on a musical from the Lion King, here they are singing a song Akuna Matada...ok, maybe I didn't spell it right. There she is in the back row, center.

Easter Egg hunt here at our apartments. They hid over 500 eggs for the kids. Too bad Alexia couldn't eat most of the candy that was inside them, Erick and I are enjoying it though:) She is realizing how many treats she can't have anymore because of her braces. She only has 4 months to go!!!

Here is my friend Deb. You've seen her before on my Blog. She & I had the same due date. I had Blake March 14th & she had Maeva on March 19th. She only weighed 5.3 and Blake was 7.11. Even though they are only a few days apart, Blake seems weeks older. She & I usually try to go for morning walks. It's nice to have someone experiencing the same things to relate to.

Big sis with her little brother. WOW look at those eyes Alexia!!!