For some reason I am unable to write next to each picture so I will do my best. The top pictures are from chicken fights we had in the pool during my brother's stay here with his family in July. Then there's my nephew Kyle on Lexi' sback, so cute (looks just like my brother did at his age) Alexia took modeling classes in the early summer and this was her end of the session fashion show. She did fantastic, looked just like a model. Erick bought her a huge bouqet of flowers and our friends Chris, Danique & their daughter Evyn came to watch. It was so sweet, Evyn (18 months old) just adores Alexia as you can tell by the picture in the park of them together.
Then we headed to Ventura beach one day with the family. Blake's first real visit to the beach. Not much I can do with him there at his age plus he has such sensitive baby skin I can't leave him in the sun too long. He was happy but wrapped up. Alexia, as you'll notice in other photos, loves to hold Blake...but not for long he gets heavy for her quickly. Here's another photo of Ashley holding Blake.
I headed to Arizona the weekend of August 1st to bring Ashley to Embry-Riddle. It was a girls weekend, Erick stayed home with Blake for a guys weekend! We stayed at my dad's house there, he was away on vacation...shocker, I know. It was a really nice time just us girls, we swam in the pool, which as you can see in the pictures has beach front walk in, I love that! It was a blazing 115 degrees there and cooled down to a whopping 98 overnight. Crazy heat... Dad's pool area is so resort like, it feels like you're a million miles away from anyone, just beautiful. August 1st, Alexia and I went to the pool at 10 at night to look up at the stars, it was amazing. I saw a shooting star, which I have never seen before in my life. It was really, really cool:)
There's pictures of Ashley in front of Embry-Riddle and in her dorm that we got her moved in to. It's above 5000 feet and very different to get used to the air for excercise and running around, Ashley could feel it during her 2 mile run.
When we got back to California I brought Amanda to Longbeach to ship her Toyota 4-runner to Hawaii, that she bought here. We decided to hang out there, it was another gorgeous day.
On Friday August 7th, our good friend Chris premiered his movie Rock Slyde, in Hollywood starring Patrick Warburton (Puddy from Seinfeld), Andy Dick, Jason Alexander (from Seinfeld) and many others you can see if you google it. It's a great movie and it was a blast. It was fun to go out as a couple on a date. Our wonderful friend Deb came over to watch Blake and hang out with Alexia while we were in Hollywood, she's a saint. She has her own 4 1/2 month old, Maeva as well.
Other pictures are with our good friends here in Valencia, we all went to support Chris and have a great time!!! Chris & his wife Danique are pictured with us in the 4th picture from the bottom.