Our friends, Kristi & Joey with their daughter Ava who turned one on August 25th. (which by the way, Blake is just about the same size as her) They have an older daughter Mariah that plays with Lexi. The girls had a sleepover at our house and they popped by to have a glass of wine. With the little ones, who needs chairs, the floor will do!

Joey trying to get a laugh out of Blake.

Getting ready for bed in my comfy jammies...aren't I adorable? Look how big I'm getting.

Erick and I spent our 10 year anniversary at Dana Point, near Laguna Beach at the beautiful Marriott Cliff Side Resort. It was absolutely gorgeous. We took a stroll along the beach one afternoon.

We also chilled by the pool, enjoying some R&R all alone (love ya kids but it was real nice)

Enjoying a few cocktails while we sat by the pool, they even came by with freshly sliced cold watermelon. Erick got me this wonderful hat to protect my face from the sun. Pretty cool, huh?

Who's the man? The ocean in the background is an amazingly gorgeous color, like the carribean.

I really think he fell asleep here, not used to relaxing for so long. It was so pleasant, thank you Amanda for watching the kids for the weekend. (sounds weird saying "kids")

Our stroll along the beach at Dana Point. Lots of beautiful homes right on the ocean.

What a couple of cute kids!!!

Dad and Diann with Blake...Always so nice to have them around to visit and the kids get to grow up with them being here. That is, until their next venture. They are world travellers and lovin' it!

Yes, we just woke up....do we look a little sleepy?

First day of school, Alexia was all excited to see some of her friends again and she was so anxious because she was getting the teacher she wanted, Mr. Greenfield. He's awesome!!

Kayla and Bella who were in her class last year but not this year.

Her friend Hope who was in her class last year and also again this year. How sweet!

Maeva came to our house to play one afternoon and she absolutely loved Blake's excersaucer.

Blake awoke from his nap, finally. I put Maeva in there and they were so cute together. Blake already has his arm under her, can you see that? Starting a little early there son of mine.

I don't even have to say anything, do I? So unbelievably cute!!!!

We went to The Getty Museum in L.A. The architecture of the buildings was amazing and here Blake was in need of a few zzzz's so Erick put him to sleep.

Just arrived at The Getty. The blonde family..but not for long. You'll see later.

One of Alexia's favorite artists, Van Gogh and his famous picture of The Iris'. She was so fortunate to have Mrs. Seidel-Slango in 2nd grade in NH who promoted learning about the arts. Thank you!

The little model that she is by the fountain at The Getty Museum.

Yes, here he is in the Jolly Jumper. He loves it. Aleixa and Erick play classical music and the way he bounces around it looks as if he's a ballet performer (not that there's anything wrong with that). Strengthening those legs to see if he'll walk before his sister Alexia, at 9 months old.

Attack of the Blake Austin Arndt. How's your face Alexia?

He's moving up to the big boy stroller now. No more infant car seat. We were on our way to the pool, he has his gear on and ready to splash!!!

Yes, I changed my hair color again to a golden brown. Where's your smile Blake?

First time eating cereal and apples. He was a bit hesitant but loves them now, good boy.

Here I am sitting up already and doing well. I'm 5 1/2 months old now. Boy how times flies. Less than 3 months before I get to meet most of you. We are heading back to NY & NH for Thanksgiving and will do our best to see you all.

We are part of a small group through our church and this is our friend George. You may have seen him on L.A. Ink...look at all those tatoos. He's a super guy and so is his beautiful wife Arsena below. Blake adores George.

Here is our entire small group from Church, Rob, Cathy, Arsena and George. We get together every Tuesday evening for dinner and to discuss the previous weeks' sermon and topic of the month. They are such wonderful people and we are so happy that they are in our lives. This time it was our turn to make dinner and Erick made his incredible Sunday Gravy and pasta. Awesome job babe, thank you!!