Sorry for the blurr but you can see, Alexia got her braces off a couple weeks ago. Her teeth moved so much in 7 months. Before she couldn't close her bite, the top & bottom teeth had over 1/2 inch gap. Now she can eat, biting down on food with her front teeth, she used to have to bite to the side. You look beautiful baby!!!! You'll see her cool retainer below, she just had to take a picture.

Here he is in his Yankees gear, all ready for game number 3 today. As you all know Erick is a big time Yankees fan and so are Alexia and I guess Blake, now. I'm still partial to the Red Sox so I haven't been converted over yet.

Alexia got her braces off 2 weeks ago, she's so happy that she can chew gum and eat the sticky stuff again. Here teeth look fantastic, it's amazing what can happen in a short 7 months. She took this picture so everyone could see the pretty teal blue she chose as her retainer color. She's done very well keeping track of it and cleaning it. Can all of you who had braces remember doing this, losing it at lunch because you accidentally threw it away?

My Aunt Barbara (on right) lives in Newbury Park, CA and had a family reunion yesterday because my dad's other sister, Jean, who lives in Virginia, was out visiting. Here they are the three of them. They are in the chronological order too. Dad's right in the middle.

Here's my cousin Susie, Aunt Barbara's daughter. She's the one who works in a salon out here. I've been so lucky to pretty much always had someone I know & trust to do my hair. I'm getting used to being a brunette now.

Here we are, me and my 5 cousins. Linda, Gail, Susie and below is David & Glen. David (left) & I were always close when I was little and lived out in California. We are only a few years apart and I remember even going to school with him on occasion...probably when I was 5 or 6.

Dad was holding Blake and all of a sudden, he reached up & grabbed my dad's loose skin under his chin, it was hilarious because he wouldn't let go. Look at that cute smile and laugh on them both:)

During Alexia Fall Break (Oct 5-9), we went to Long Beach and visited the aquarium there. It was nice to go during the week because it wasn't crowded at all. Definitely different than New England Aquarium but very nice as you'll see in the pictures below. Here Erick is getting Blake acquainted with all the fishies.

These are spider crabs behind Alexia. They were enormous and really creepy looking.

This was such a colorful picture, these fish were so beautiful. Alexia is so stylish in my hat, holding her little brother.

We went to an Avocado Festival in Carpinteria on the coast. It was an amazing day, but Alexia had already been here to the beach with my dad, Diann and her sisters during the summer. They ate at this little hole in the wall (literally) called "The Spot". It's a place where the surfers go and they make the best burgers and homemade fries ever. It was delicious.

Here is the largest vat of guacamole you'll ever see. Girls from the local Carpinteria High School cheerleading squad made this & the proceeds go towards their school. We have to say it was the best gauc we've ever had.

I just want to eat him up.

Isn't that beautiful with the mountains in the background? And the other direction behind me is the ocean, just breathtaking.....

Alexia and I are enjoying the yummy guacamole and chips for a snack before we head to The Spot for lunch.

Say no more...love the bib!

Here are our friends Cory & Kim. They are the so called social directors here at our apartment complex. They are always having movie nights, snacks by the fireplace, coffee & treats on Sunday mornings and this day they planned a Mexican Fiesta. Cory is a great cook.

Here's all the yummy foods that we enjoyed that day. This is in the clubhouse of where we live. Our neighbor, Marilyn is holding Blake....she just loves him to pieces, we can never sneak by her without her touching him. This kid sure is loved around here by everyone, no wonder he's such a happy, good baby...We can't wait for you all to meet him soon.