Will you just look at Times Square now. It's amazing the transformation it has undergone over the last 10 or so years.

And we don't go to NYC without having lunch at Dallas BBQ. Just try to get Lynn out of the city before you do that :)

The window displays at Macy's is just Christmas in NYC. They are beautiful. And you just get in the holiday spirit checking them out. Several of the windows are scenes from the movie Miracle on 34th st. I was telling Blake the story of the movie.
Then we hit the M&M Store next. That's always a favorite. There's Lexi with Disco M&M and then sultry Ms. M&M makin the moves on Blake.
Below are the 2 story shoots of every kind of M&M imaginable as well as various mixes (summer, Christmas, NY Yankees etc). And you get the privilege of buying them for the low low price of $12.99/lb :)

There's pictures of Madison, Keith's 3 yr old daughter and pictures of another day we spent in the city until night. Blake was amazed at the lights once it got dark. Thanksgiving dinner at Chris & Gail's house, thanks for a fabulous dinner. Oh wow, the nieces and nephews are getting so big. I don't know how they get bigger and older, yet we all stay the same age :)
There's Lex and Maddy holding hands on the way to the train after the parade. It was so cute!
There's the LIRR as we board from Penn Station. It was so mobbed that day. Everyone was going to see family.
There's all the kids at one table. We learned to keep our hands away for fear of losing a limb. There's Ben on the end (kristen's boyfriend) who was a good sport about sitting with the kids. He was really great with Blake too.
There's my brother Chris with Blake. There was instant bonding the moment we arrived. Blake was whisked away. Lynn and I got the chance to mingle and have some drinks and have multiple pieces of pie.
Lexi is on Jeremy's lap. She has always adored him. He was always a great cousin to her even as a baby.
There's my sister Celeste who just ate little Blake up. Who needs a pack-n-play, he just slept on her.
Below we board the flight to Burbank. The kids were so good on the flight. Lexi's always been a good traveler. Having the TV on the flight is a must now. The 6 hr flight is no joke. What did we do without that.
It was so nice to see everyone again, all the kids have grown so much. Hope you all enjoy this next month before Christmas! Love you all

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