This is it, the day we had been planning on for years, as you all know. And it was really happening, kinda strange to see a long time plan come alive.
Today was moving day, July 18th. Seemed to go smoothly when the College Bound guys arrived at 8:30 to move all our belongings. Erick and I were a bit skeptical that everything was going to fit into the 16 ft POD we rented. The movers did a quick evaluation and thought it was possible. But guess what, about 1:00 and 3/4 of the way full it was obvious not everything was going to fit. By the way, does anyone really realize how much "stuff" we all have. We gave so much away, sold many items and threw alot away & we STILL have so much "stuff". Talk about a reality check. So by now you can only imagine the frustration and disappointment about our dilemma now. We're hot, sweaty and irritated.
Throughout the day we had so many of our great friends pop over to say their good-byes, :( We saw the Geringers, Shelley & Rachel, Maureen, Sue & Garrett.
What to do? We sat on the basement floor and regrouped. We called about another POD but that was going to cost an absolutely ridiculous amount of money so we decided to go with ABF U-Pack moving truck. It was about 1:30 so we were grateful when they said they could have a truck here by 5:00. So when 5:00, then 5:30 then 6:00 went by & we still had no truck we were a little ticked off. Our patience had just about run out when, low and behold, here comes the truck down the hill. The driver must have just gotten his commercial license because he didn't have a clue what he was doing trying to back that trailer up. He attempted this for about 20 minutes and almost taking out my mailbox, finally just left it where he wanted, had me sign the paperwork, unhitched the trailer and left. Yes, I said left. Here we are staring at this giant trailer in the street wondering what to do next. We had questions for him and he just bailed on us. Needless to say they got an earful from us. Now this is a trailer remember so Ashley, Alexia, Erick and I are lifting the rest of the stuff 4 ft into the 28 ft trailer and then packing it, because we're professionals ya know. It's a 28 ft trailer and all we need is about 6 ft. Our concerned neighbor, Maureen, seeing the distress and hunger on our faces was so kind to go get us a pizza for dinner, thank you so much Maureen! We completed the packing by 8:30ish and ate our pizza. Every time we turned around, we had MORE stuff to pack. Yikes.
Saying goodbye to Ashley was the toughest thing we had to go through that whole messy day. There were many tears shed by all of us. Even after we left Kinsman Ln. we all continued to cry off and on for a while. The reality of it all was hitting us, hard.
We were on the road to Long Island by 9:15 and arrived about 1:00 a.m. Alexia fell asleep about 3 hours into the ride finally. It was a long day and we all crashed at the Arndt house. Just glad the day is over. We were physically and emotionally drained. Grandma Arndt had DaVinci Pizza (the best pizza!) and cold heinekens waiting for us. But we just went straight to bed. We crashed.
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